Foi finalmente criado o NOSSO Forum!!!
Finalmente temos o nosso espaço de discução, dedicado a nossa equipa e adeptos do Paintball em geral!
Venham, registem-se e divirtam-se!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How To Paintball Like Rambo!!!
Paintball is an amazing game, according to John Rambo- err, well actually this is presented by John Rambo's brother because the real Rambo wasn't available. Brush up on your paintball skills, and your paintball tactics with this guide to how to paintball like Rambo
1. Step 1: Know the terrain
Before you start to scope out the game zone, you need cover: fox holes, barricades, fences, wood,armoured personnel carriers, bits of bird, more barricades, big tubes, grass, Russians, Visualise yourself a mind map! Know the terrain.
2. Step 2: I'm on the edge
When paintballing the safest place for you is at the perimeter. That way, incoming's coming in from 180 degrees, not 360!
3. Step 3: Communicate with your unit
In paintballing you gotta be loud and descriptive: tell your team what you're doing, and listen to what they're telling you.
4. Step 4: Take the pain
This is paintball! You're gonna get hurt! You are going to get bruised! and jostled! you may be attacked by bracken, or get caught on a thorn!
5. Step 5: Rescue the hostages
In paintball, you should never miss a chance to be a hero. I'm going in to rescue those hostages, and if I get shot, all the better.....That's the great thing about paintball, nobody really dies.
Coloquem aqui as vossas fotos!
Vamos lá rapaziada!
Coloquem aqui as vossas fotos! Quer seja dos vossos marcadores, equipamento, actuais batalhas :) ou mesmo glorias passadas!
Vamos lá mostrar ao mundo do que somos feitos!!!! ;)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Last Man Standing - Paintball Game
O evento continua marcado para dia 20-11-2010, tendo em conta que as previsões metrológicas apontam apenas uma probabilidade de 30% de aguaceiros.
O evento tem um período estimado de 3h de duração, das 10h até as 13h. Pelo que contamos que todos estejam presentes antes das 10h no parque Emboscada em Alcabideche de forma a completarmos a inscrição e podemos começar os confrontos as 10h. Iremos ter dois pontos de encontro, um a porta da Estefânia 82 (para quem não tem carro ou desconheça a localização do parque) e o outro é no próprio parque Emboscada.
O pagamento do evento será realizado até ao final do dia de amanha, pelo que é necessário saber EXACTAMENTE quem vai ou não.
Para mais informações, confirmações ou quais as formas de pagamento, por favor entrar em contacto comigo.
Recordo que o PACK escolhido foi o PACK 1 no valor de 19.95€ com direito a máscara, marcador, loader, botija, colete e enchimentos de ar comprimido.
Poderão encontrar as coordenadas e morada do recinto neste e-mail.
As actividades de Paintball consistem numa tarde/manhã de pura adrenalina!
São fornecidos marcadores (armas) de Paintball e todo o equipamento aos membros do grupo, divididos em duas equipas e batalham entre si em diferentes cenários, tentando cumprir primeiro que a equipa adversária as missões propostas!
Dispomos de 5 cenários diferentes em cada Parque, e diversas missões a realizar em cada um deles!
Algumas das Missões habitualmente realizadas em diferentes cenários:
- Conquistar o Forte
- Libertar o Refém
- Capturar a Bandeira
- Destruir a Base adversária
- Eliminar o VIP
- Tocar o Sino
Parque Emboscada
Com o objectivo de proporcionar cada vez mais e melhores condições à pratica de Desportos Aventura, a Emboscada tem vindo a investir e desenvolver nos últimos anos dois Parques Aventura, no Porto e Lisboa!Com a aposta nas melhores condições, material e formação de monitores, temos nos nossos Parques como prioridade a segurança dos clientes, aliada a uma prestação de serviços divertida, estruturada e diversificada!Os Parques Emboscada são propriedades privadas, onde poderá confortavelmente e em segurança usufruir da sua festa…
Para proporcionar um serviço de topo investimos… e pode encontrar nos nossos Parques Wc’s, estacionamento privativo, zona de jogadores/lazer coberta, espaço para refeições e churrascos, 5 cenários diferentes, rede de segurança a separar campo e espectadores, entre diversos outras estruturas de apoio!Dispomos também de Alvará, Seguro de Responsabilidade Civil e Acidentes Pessoais.Venha descobrir os nossos Parques e as nossas soluções para Festas de Aniversário, Despedidas de Solteiro/a, Convívios Empresariais ou Encontros de Amigos
Parque Emboscada – Lisboa (Alcabideche) PRÉ-RESERVA JÁ REALIZADAPropriedade de 10 hectares preparada para a prática de Paintball, com zonas de lazer/descanso e diversos cenários para experimentar!Packs de Aluguer:
* Pack 1: 19,95€ - 100 bolas / sessão até 3 horas de duração / mínimo 12 participantes* Pack 2: 24,95€ - 200 bolas / sessão até 4 horas de duração / mínimo 12 participantes* Pack 3: 34,95€ - 500 bolas / sessão até 7 horas de duração / mínimo 10 participantesTodos os Packs incluem:* Acesso a todos os campos: 4 diferentes, incluindo um de insufláveis (mediante disponibilidade)* Todo o equipamento de jogo (máscara, marcador, loader, botija e enchimentos de ar comprimido)* Colete: Pack 1* Todas as protecções (fato-macaco, protecção de pescoço, colete e luvas): Pack 2 / Pack 3* Seguro e monitores experientes para acompanhar toda a actividadeOfertas (promoções não acumuláveis):* 16 a 20 participantes: 500 bolas de oferta para o organizador!* 21 ou mais participantes: 2000 bolas de oferta para o organizador!* Aniversariantes: oferta de 500 bolas ao/á aniversariante!* Despedidas de Solteiro/a: oferta de 500 bolas ao/á noivo/a!Carregamentos Extra:* 100 bolas: 5€* 500 bolas: 20€* 2000 bolas: 70€Condições:* Obrigatório efectuar reserva mediante pagamento de adjudicação de 50% da totalidade da actividade; Até 3 dias antes do evento enviar número aproximado de participantes, contactos do organizador, hora de chegada ao Parque e Pack pretendido.* Obrigatório enviar o nome e data de nascimento de todos os participantes até 2 dias antes do evento para efeitos de seguro.* Obrigatório pagar na totalidade a actividade no Parque, no momento requerido pelos monitores. Multibanco não disponível no Parque.* É obrigatório obedecer a todas as ordens e regras impostas pelos monitores, sob pena de expulsão do Parque.
Rua do Marquês de Angeja – Quinta do Marquês
2645-026 Alcabideche – Cascais
Latitude: 38.7377º
Longitude: -9.41183º
Como ir:
1. A5
28,3 km
Este trajecto inclui portagens.- mais informações »
R. de Dona Estefânia
Seguir norte em frente R. de Dona Estefânia em direcção a Largo de Dona Estefânia
75 m
Em Largo de Dona Estefânia, sair na 3.ª saída para Av. Casal Ribeiro
450 m
Virar à direita na Praça do Duque de Saldanha
300 m
Virar à direita na Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo
700 m
Permanecer à direita na bifurcação
220 m
Continue até R. Joaquim António de Aguiar
650 m
Continuar em frente para Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco
1,1 km
Continue até Auto-Estrada da Costa do Estoril
850 m
Continue até A5
Auto-estrada com portagem parcial
22,3 km
Seguir pela saída 10 em direcção a Alcabideche
180 m
Convergir com Av. de Sintra/N9
260 m
Em Rotunda das Palmeiras, seguir pela 1.ª saída em direcção a Alcabideche/Estoril/Amoreira/Alcoitão
270 m
Em Rotunda José Roquete, sair na 3.ª saída para R. de Cascais
550 m
Virar à esquerda na R. do Marquês de Angeja/N247-5
O destino encontra-se à direita
400 m
R. do Marquês de Angeja/N247-5
O evento continua marcado para dia 20-11-2010, tendo em conta que as previsões metrológicas apontam apenas uma probabilidade de 30% de aguaceiros.
O evento tem um período estimado de 3h de duração, das 10h até as 13h. Pelo que contamos que todos estejam presentes antes das 10h no parque Emboscada em Alcabideche de forma a completarmos a inscrição e podemos começar os confrontos as 10h. Iremos ter dois pontos de encontro, um a porta da Estefânia 82 (para quem não tem carro ou desconheça a localização do parque) e o outro é no próprio parque Emboscada.
O pagamento do evento será realizado até ao final do dia de amanha, pelo que é necessário saber EXACTAMENTE quem vai ou não.
Para mais informações, confirmações ou quais as formas de pagamento, por favor entrar em contacto comigo.
Recordo que o PACK escolhido foi o PACK 1 no valor de 19.95€ com direito a máscara, marcador, loader, botija, colete e enchimentos de ar comprimido.
Poderão encontrar as coordenadas e morada do recinto neste e-mail.
As actividades de Paintball consistem numa tarde/manhã de pura adrenalina!
São fornecidos marcadores (armas) de Paintball e todo o equipamento aos membros do grupo, divididos em duas equipas e batalham entre si em diferentes cenários, tentando cumprir primeiro que a equipa adversária as missões propostas!
Dispomos de 5 cenários diferentes em cada Parque, e diversas missões a realizar em cada um deles!
Algumas das Missões habitualmente realizadas em diferentes cenários:
- Conquistar o Forte
- Libertar o Refém
- Capturar a Bandeira
- Destruir a Base adversária
- Eliminar o VIP
- Tocar o Sino
Parque Emboscada
Com o objectivo de proporcionar cada vez mais e melhores condições à pratica de Desportos Aventura, a Emboscada tem vindo a investir e desenvolver nos últimos anos dois Parques Aventura, no Porto e Lisboa!Com a aposta nas melhores condições, material e formação de monitores, temos nos nossos Parques como prioridade a segurança dos clientes, aliada a uma prestação de serviços divertida, estruturada e diversificada!Os Parques Emboscada são propriedades privadas, onde poderá confortavelmente e em segurança usufruir da sua festa…
Para proporcionar um serviço de topo investimos… e pode encontrar nos nossos Parques Wc’s, estacionamento privativo, zona de jogadores/lazer coberta, espaço para refeições e churrascos, 5 cenários diferentes, rede de segurança a separar campo e espectadores, entre diversos outras estruturas de apoio!Dispomos também de Alvará, Seguro de Responsabilidade Civil e Acidentes Pessoais.Venha descobrir os nossos Parques e as nossas soluções para Festas de Aniversário, Despedidas de Solteiro/a, Convívios Empresariais ou Encontros de Amigos
Parque Emboscada – Lisboa (Alcabideche) PRÉ-RESERVA JÁ REALIZADAPropriedade de 10 hectares preparada para a prática de Paintball, com zonas de lazer/descanso e diversos cenários para experimentar!Packs de Aluguer:
* Pack 1: 19,95€ - 100 bolas / sessão até 3 horas de duração / mínimo 12 participantes* Pack 2: 24,95€ - 200 bolas / sessão até 4 horas de duração / mínimo 12 participantes* Pack 3: 34,95€ - 500 bolas / sessão até 7 horas de duração / mínimo 10 participantesTodos os Packs incluem:* Acesso a todos os campos: 4 diferentes, incluindo um de insufláveis (mediante disponibilidade)* Todo o equipamento de jogo (máscara, marcador, loader, botija e enchimentos de ar comprimido)* Colete: Pack 1* Todas as protecções (fato-macaco, protecção de pescoço, colete e luvas): Pack 2 / Pack 3* Seguro e monitores experientes para acompanhar toda a actividadeOfertas (promoções não acumuláveis):* 16 a 20 participantes: 500 bolas de oferta para o organizador!* 21 ou mais participantes: 2000 bolas de oferta para o organizador!* Aniversariantes: oferta de 500 bolas ao/á aniversariante!* Despedidas de Solteiro/a: oferta de 500 bolas ao/á noivo/a!Carregamentos Extra:* 100 bolas: 5€* 500 bolas: 20€* 2000 bolas: 70€Condições:* Obrigatório efectuar reserva mediante pagamento de adjudicação de 50% da totalidade da actividade; Até 3 dias antes do evento enviar número aproximado de participantes, contactos do organizador, hora de chegada ao Parque e Pack pretendido.* Obrigatório enviar o nome e data de nascimento de todos os participantes até 2 dias antes do evento para efeitos de seguro.* Obrigatório pagar na totalidade a actividade no Parque, no momento requerido pelos monitores. Multibanco não disponível no Parque.* É obrigatório obedecer a todas as ordens e regras impostas pelos monitores, sob pena de expulsão do Parque.
Rua do Marquês de Angeja – Quinta do Marquês
2645-026 Alcabideche – Cascais
Latitude: 38.7377º
Longitude: -9.41183º
Como ir:
1. A5
28,3 km
Este trajecto inclui portagens.- mais informações »
R. de Dona Estefânia
Seguir norte em frente R. de Dona Estefânia em direcção a Largo de Dona Estefânia
75 m
Em Largo de Dona Estefânia, sair na 3.ª saída para Av. Casal Ribeiro
450 m
Virar à direita na Praça do Duque de Saldanha
300 m
Virar à direita na Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo
700 m
Permanecer à direita na bifurcação
220 m
Continue até R. Joaquim António de Aguiar
650 m
Continuar em frente para Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco
1,1 km
Continue até Auto-Estrada da Costa do Estoril
850 m
Continue até A5
Auto-estrada com portagem parcial
22,3 km
Seguir pela saída 10 em direcção a Alcabideche
180 m
Convergir com Av. de Sintra/N9
260 m
Em Rotunda das Palmeiras, seguir pela 1.ª saída em direcção a Alcabideche/Estoril/Amoreira/Alcoitão
270 m
Em Rotunda José Roquete, sair na 3.ª saída para R. de Cascais
550 m
Virar à esquerda na R. do Marquês de Angeja/N247-5
O destino encontra-se à direita
400 m
R. do Marquês de Angeja/N247-5
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Update of upcoming events and Recruitment
20th November, U.N.L.A.W. will be playing at emboscada in Cascais. between the hours of 10am and 1300. New recruits are always welcome, so if you fancy yourself a bit of a team player then come and watch or book yourself in to play a few games. This site will probably be our main training area so everyone is more than welcome to participate. Anyone who maybe interested in joining can either meet us on a training day or leave a comment in which you will be contacted with instructions. Please be aware that we are a strategic paintball team and many of us prefer long drawn out games in which we like to flank the enemy and ambush them rather than "speedballing" your paint away. So if you prefer patience rather than speed, then...
Become the LAW! Become the UNLAW!!!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
THE BEGINNING, for me, WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE END… for everyone else!!!
A primeira vez que senti o puro prazer de “encher” alguém de tinta já tinha sido há muitos, muitos anos atrás… cerca de 8 anos, para ser exacto. No entanto, bastou um dia (ou 3 horas :) ) para voltar a sentir a “loucura” e a emoção de “matar ou ser morto”.
Na minha “primeira vez” até posso dizer que tive sorte. Quando estavam a distribuir os marcadores por todos os participantes, esqueceram-se de mim e… como no fim não tinham mais marcadores, tive de ficar com um novinho em folha, acabado de chegar :)
Conclusão. Eu conseguia acertar em quem queria, a distancia que queria, mas mais ninguém o conseguia fazer. Mesmo assim fui “morto” umas 3 vezes… produto da inexperiência e falta de conhecimentos tácticos, tanto meus como da minha equipa. Mas foi o iniciar de uma paixão apenas não perseguida na altura devido ao seu elevado custo.
Agora o custo continua a ser restritivo… mas não impeditivo. E então foi criada a primeira equipa de paintball que alguma vez fiz, e alguma vez irei fazer, parte.
Na minha “primeira vez” até posso dizer que tive sorte. Quando estavam a distribuir os marcadores por todos os participantes, esqueceram-se de mim e… como no fim não tinham mais marcadores, tive de ficar com um novinho em folha, acabado de chegar :)
Conclusão. Eu conseguia acertar em quem queria, a distancia que queria, mas mais ninguém o conseguia fazer. Mesmo assim fui “morto” umas 3 vezes… produto da inexperiência e falta de conhecimentos tácticos, tanto meus como da minha equipa. Mas foi o iniciar de uma paixão apenas não perseguida na altura devido ao seu elevado custo.
Agora o custo continua a ser restritivo… mas não impeditivo. E então foi criada a primeira equipa de paintball que alguma vez fiz, e alguma vez irei fazer, parte.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Old Habits Die Hard...
The very fact that three veterans of wars gone by decided to walk back onto the battlefield was bad enough, what did we do? We went off and started a paintball team, that's what!
Anyone who has ever played paintball, having paint flying at you at 300fps will truly understand the fear, the adrenalin and the total gun ho attitude rush we experience. To put into words the emotions we are constantly going through during a game is almost impossible, if at all. As The Pariah mentioned, I too remember that first bitterly cold morning I walked out on to the battlefield in the UK and oh my God, did it hurt getting hit.
Damn marshall, run he said, take as much ground as possible he said, you'll have the upper hand. Like hell!!! He forgot to mention the enemy were the doing the same thing, how dumb can one get!
That first shot caught me bang centre on my head and I went down like a sack of potatoes shouting obscenities in good old Hollywood style theatrics. This only brought more attention onto me bringing me under a hail of paint. I shot back to where I thought the fire was coming from and shouted for back up, all whilst trying to dig myself into the ground in a mindless panic. God knows why, but it seemed the safest bet at the time. My salvation was the marshall in his bright police style yellow jacket who walked over to me. "first time?" he asked. "Yep", was the reply, and not the 'F******* last!' added as if my life depended on it.
It was then the urge for revenge surfaced along with the determination and fear all rolled into one. I had never experienced anything like it before. Damn, I was hooked.
That same marshall called out I was back in the game as no paint had actually exploded on me, and gave me a 30 second 'no kill count'. This was enough time to get back, re-group and send other mortals to the frontline. I continued to play, more tactical though, never wanting the game to end.
Fourteen years on and there I was on a foreign field, lungs gasping for air, screaming at my team mates to move forward as I hurled paint down as cover, ducking between incoming paint to take out the opposition as painfully as possible. Pariah and Heretic had never played together and yet knew I had their backs and moved forward taking ground with each burst of fire. This sense of familiarity comes only on the battlefield as if your life depended on it.
That bright Saturday morning got me so hooked again that even the next day I regretted every second of it. Just like a reformed junkie smoking crack for the first time, I needed more. The pain of unexercised muscle was no deterrent and I was already planning the next game in my mind. The following Monday everyone was so hyped up as if they had been on some energy drink all weekend long (won't mention any brands as some exec. may read this and wish to sponsor) talking about doing it all over again. Pariah came up with the name LAW as we are expat Brits and Portuguese (the idea of him not having put squirrels in the name worries me), and the commitment is such, that we are all gearing ourselves up with markers and with the next confrontation on November 20 we'll be taking no prisoners. Yippee ai ey mother....!!!!
Anyone who has ever played paintball, having paint flying at you at 300fps will truly understand the fear, the adrenalin and the total gun ho attitude rush we experience. To put into words the emotions we are constantly going through during a game is almost impossible, if at all. As The Pariah mentioned, I too remember that first bitterly cold morning I walked out on to the battlefield in the UK and oh my God, did it hurt getting hit.
Damn marshall, run he said, take as much ground as possible he said, you'll have the upper hand. Like hell!!! He forgot to mention the enemy were the doing the same thing, how dumb can one get!
That first shot caught me bang centre on my head and I went down like a sack of potatoes shouting obscenities in good old Hollywood style theatrics. This only brought more attention onto me bringing me under a hail of paint. I shot back to where I thought the fire was coming from and shouted for back up, all whilst trying to dig myself into the ground in a mindless panic. God knows why, but it seemed the safest bet at the time. My salvation was the marshall in his bright police style yellow jacket who walked over to me. "first time?" he asked. "Yep", was the reply, and not the 'F******* last!' added as if my life depended on it.
It was then the urge for revenge surfaced along with the determination and fear all rolled into one. I had never experienced anything like it before. Damn, I was hooked.
That same marshall called out I was back in the game as no paint had actually exploded on me, and gave me a 30 second 'no kill count'. This was enough time to get back, re-group and send other mortals to the frontline. I continued to play, more tactical though, never wanting the game to end.
Fourteen years on and there I was on a foreign field, lungs gasping for air, screaming at my team mates to move forward as I hurled paint down as cover, ducking between incoming paint to take out the opposition as painfully as possible. Pariah and Heretic had never played together and yet knew I had their backs and moved forward taking ground with each burst of fire. This sense of familiarity comes only on the battlefield as if your life depended on it.
That bright Saturday morning got me so hooked again that even the next day I regretted every second of it. Just like a reformed junkie smoking crack for the first time, I needed more. The pain of unexercised muscle was no deterrent and I was already planning the next game in my mind. The following Monday everyone was so hyped up as if they had been on some energy drink all weekend long (won't mention any brands as some exec. may read this and wish to sponsor) talking about doing it all over again. Pariah came up with the name LAW as we are expat Brits and Portuguese (the idea of him not having put squirrels in the name worries me), and the commitment is such, that we are all gearing ourselves up with markers and with the next confrontation on November 20 we'll be taking no prisoners. Yippee ai ey mother....!!!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Paintball D-Day. The idea...
Date: 16/10/2010
Area: Negrais undisputed war zone
On Saturday 16th October 2010 at around 9am, the green forces engaged in combat with the blacks team in a violent confrontation of paint for the supremacy of Negrais.
This day would mark the return of some old vets to the paintball field, specially myself who had not seen a war since entering Portugal. It has been 5 odd years of doing nothing but sitting in front of a computer and smoking way too many cigarettes. (Truth be told, just about the only excercise I´ve engaged with during that time frame would be getting up from the couch to go sit down for a meal and squirrel stalking (but thats another story!!!!!)
But enough about my slacker days, on with the show!!!!!!!!!!!!
An enormous, tremendous, overwhelming number of things took place this weekend and the only way that I can do the event and the happenings any justice is to break it all up into a multiplicity of individual reports (unless you’d all rather spend the next five days reading War and Peace 2, the longer version of the day after)
So forthwith, I will now provide you all with a summary:
The Paintball event was partnered mainly with work staff from Estefania. The facility itself at Negrais has been in use for a few years now but this was the first time any of us had a chance to play on said field.
One major change was evident from the multiple fields I have played in the UK: the playing fields were a lot smaller, which meant that the games would have to be played with little tactics and loads of guts Or more like run around like a lunatic, scream like your on a mixture of Repnol heart racer and Sudnil stay awake pills!! (basically about fifteen bottles of Vodka and Red Bull!!!)
We played out games and had a great time (I hope I’m not being overly modest by saying that it only took me three games to get my game back), but the majority of the fun and the overall experience was getting together with folks that I’ve not seen or played with/or against before.
I’ll get the lists of vets out of the way first. YES, thats myself, Emanuel and Dave who have been hauling paint out in the field before. (that means we have been through the wars before, in paintballing slang!). Judging by the dropped jaws and the information that all three of us were to stay in the same team seemed to tremble some knees but even though all three of us have had some paintball history under our belts but have not fired paint in a while should have consolled them. It was a pleasure to be able to be around people who knew something of the sport rather than screaming American teenagers that just ran around like headless chickens.
Suffice it to say that after a long time out of the game the old habbits kicked back in and we were all communicating with hand signals, even though most of the time it involved the middle finger!
Consider that to be a good thing.
Ok. Enough with the Rod, Emanuel & Dave Show.
Other notable get togethers were: Toni (FI), Hugo (UKI), Sean (UKI), Manuel (UKI), Manu (GK) & Wife and many other players that I will not mention due to the National Secrets Act of 1971.
Apologies to everyone else who I probably ought to be mentioning but have managed to forget at this point. (Believe me, I know I will be reminded of so-and-so and I WILL be editing this piece to include anyone who ought to have been mentioned.)
Games that we managed to play during the five hours were:
Shoot the president (a game which ended with the Green Teams President being shot in the face within about 5 minutes)
Afghanistan Oil (this was a real leg killer, specially when your going up hill.) Trust me this hurts!!
Favelas (basically a city slum, very much like Rio or Lisbon)
Speed Ball (Easiest way to explain this is run around trying to find your gun and waste some ammo)
Pallet Slope (Pallet collection anyone?)
Rock Valley (Rocks, rocks everywhere)
It was an absolute blast and I will be returning to the wars with regularity – (Wife willing!!)
Breathless, with lungs and chest ready to explode like an unborn alien we walked off the field at the end of the day still with the same smiles we had walked onto 5 hours earlier.
Additional note:
I still remember that first game at a real, honest-to-goodness paintball field as if I was observing myself from a distance. And I felt that way at the time too though I can’t explain why. I wasn’t excited, I was intrigued. I wasn’t expectant, I was curious. Until the whistle blew. And everything changed. Prior to the game the refs had explained the field for the newcomers and encouraged everyone to take a lot of ground quickly. Not knowing any better I did exactly what they suggested and ran until I realized paintballs were zinging all around me and I threw myself down behind a tree that didn’t come close to offering real cover. Fortunately there was also a depression in the ground on my side of the slim trunk and I pressed my face up into the exposed roots applying the ostrich principle (If I can’t see them they can’t shoot me) for all I was worth as paint continued to whiz by and smack the tree and ground around me. Suddenly paintball became immediate and real, visceral and intensely exciting. I was so excited infact that I heard someone laugh out loud and suddenly realised that it was me! I quickly realized that while I wasn’t a sitting (or laying)duck I wasn’t secure either and that was great, too. It meant I had to do something besides not get shot. (Although being at risk and continuing to survive was a big part of the thrill.) I called out to my teammates and discovered most of them were quite a distance behind me. That first time it didn’t bother me in the least. They were the ones missing out. Slowly the game began to unfold.
I tried to use my forward position to relay information. To spot the opposition’s positions. I worried about being flanked because my depression wouldn’t save me then. I tried to bring my gun to bear but I didn’t try too hard because I didn’t want the game–this first real experience of paintball–to end. I knew I didn’t have the skills to compete and it didn’t matter. All I wanted was to keep playing.
And fourteen years later I’m still hooked though my relationship to the game has evolved pretty dramatically over the years. After much debate and excitement, three individuals decided to start a paintball team and go in guns blazing.
So it is with utmost pleasure that I present the new kids on the field and soon to be moving up the European rankings....
Luso-Anglo Wolves.
"We are the L.A.W."
Date: 16/10/2010
Area: Negrais undisputed war zone
On Saturday 16th October 2010 at around 9am, the green forces engaged in combat with the blacks team in a violent confrontation of paint for the supremacy of Negrais.
This day would mark the return of some old vets to the paintball field, specially myself who had not seen a war since entering Portugal. It has been 5 odd years of doing nothing but sitting in front of a computer and smoking way too many cigarettes. (Truth be told, just about the only excercise I´ve engaged with during that time frame would be getting up from the couch to go sit down for a meal and squirrel stalking (but thats another story!!!!!)
But enough about my slacker days, on with the show!!!!!!!!!!!!
An enormous, tremendous, overwhelming number of things took place this weekend and the only way that I can do the event and the happenings any justice is to break it all up into a multiplicity of individual reports (unless you’d all rather spend the next five days reading War and Peace 2, the longer version of the day after)
So forthwith, I will now provide you all with a summary:
The Paintball event was partnered mainly with work staff from Estefania. The facility itself at Negrais has been in use for a few years now but this was the first time any of us had a chance to play on said field.
One major change was evident from the multiple fields I have played in the UK: the playing fields were a lot smaller, which meant that the games would have to be played with little tactics and loads of guts Or more like run around like a lunatic, scream like your on a mixture of Repnol heart racer and Sudnil stay awake pills!! (basically about fifteen bottles of Vodka and Red Bull!!!)
We played out games and had a great time (I hope I’m not being overly modest by saying that it only took me three games to get my game back), but the majority of the fun and the overall experience was getting together with folks that I’ve not seen or played with/or against before.
I’ll get the lists of vets out of the way first. YES, thats myself, Emanuel and Dave who have been hauling paint out in the field before. (that means we have been through the wars before, in paintballing slang!). Judging by the dropped jaws and the information that all three of us were to stay in the same team seemed to tremble some knees but even though all three of us have had some paintball history under our belts but have not fired paint in a while should have consolled them. It was a pleasure to be able to be around people who knew something of the sport rather than screaming American teenagers that just ran around like headless chickens.
Suffice it to say that after a long time out of the game the old habbits kicked back in and we were all communicating with hand signals, even though most of the time it involved the middle finger!
Consider that to be a good thing.
Ok. Enough with the Rod, Emanuel & Dave Show.
Other notable get togethers were: Toni (FI), Hugo (UKI), Sean (UKI), Manuel (UKI), Manu (GK) & Wife and many other players that I will not mention due to the National Secrets Act of 1971.
Apologies to everyone else who I probably ought to be mentioning but have managed to forget at this point. (Believe me, I know I will be reminded of so-and-so and I WILL be editing this piece to include anyone who ought to have been mentioned.)
Games that we managed to play during the five hours were:
Shoot the president (a game which ended with the Green Teams President being shot in the face within about 5 minutes)
Afghanistan Oil (this was a real leg killer, specially when your going up hill.) Trust me this hurts!!
Favelas (basically a city slum, very much like Rio or Lisbon)
Speed Ball (Easiest way to explain this is run around trying to find your gun and waste some ammo)
Pallet Slope (Pallet collection anyone?)
Rock Valley (Rocks, rocks everywhere)
It was an absolute blast and I will be returning to the wars with regularity – (Wife willing!!)
Breathless, with lungs and chest ready to explode like an unborn alien we walked off the field at the end of the day still with the same smiles we had walked onto 5 hours earlier.
Additional note:
I still remember that first game at a real, honest-to-goodness paintball field as if I was observing myself from a distance. And I felt that way at the time too though I can’t explain why. I wasn’t excited, I was intrigued. I wasn’t expectant, I was curious. Until the whistle blew. And everything changed. Prior to the game the refs had explained the field for the newcomers and encouraged everyone to take a lot of ground quickly. Not knowing any better I did exactly what they suggested and ran until I realized paintballs were zinging all around me and I threw myself down behind a tree that didn’t come close to offering real cover. Fortunately there was also a depression in the ground on my side of the slim trunk and I pressed my face up into the exposed roots applying the ostrich principle (If I can’t see them they can’t shoot me) for all I was worth as paint continued to whiz by and smack the tree and ground around me. Suddenly paintball became immediate and real, visceral and intensely exciting. I was so excited infact that I heard someone laugh out loud and suddenly realised that it was me! I quickly realized that while I wasn’t a sitting (or laying)duck I wasn’t secure either and that was great, too. It meant I had to do something besides not get shot. (Although being at risk and continuing to survive was a big part of the thrill.) I called out to my teammates and discovered most of them were quite a distance behind me. That first time it didn’t bother me in the least. They were the ones missing out. Slowly the game began to unfold.
I tried to use my forward position to relay information. To spot the opposition’s positions. I worried about being flanked because my depression wouldn’t save me then. I tried to bring my gun to bear but I didn’t try too hard because I didn’t want the game–this first real experience of paintball–to end. I knew I didn’t have the skills to compete and it didn’t matter. All I wanted was to keep playing.
And fourteen years later I’m still hooked though my relationship to the game has evolved pretty dramatically over the years. After much debate and excitement, three individuals decided to start a paintball team and go in guns blazing.
So it is with utmost pleasure that I present the new kids on the field and soon to be moving up the European rankings....
Luso-Anglo Wolves.
"We are the L.A.W."
History of Paintball
Paintball became popular as a sport in 1980, but was back in the 1950s when paintball was actually formed. Farmers and ranchers used paintball guns (or markers) to mark trees and cattle. As legend has it, some of the boys who had access to those guns started using them to shoot each other, and paintball was born.
Today, paintball is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world. Paintball players exist in over 40 countries today. And all players include teenagers and adults, men and women, and professional players and recreational players. While professional paintball is in its infancy, the number of professional paintball tournaments (such as PSP, NPPL etc) that are hosted each year continued to increase.
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